How Working for a Nonprofit Quickly Shattered All I Knew About the Amish
What’s so wrong about the Amish? I thought to myself. Aren’t they just harmless farmers?
What’s so wrong about the Amish? I thought to myself. Aren’t they just harmless farmers?
The US Supreme Court admits that the decision in Wisconsin v. Yoder could be used in a way that deprives children of any opportunity to build a life outside the Amish Church.
William Ball, the lawyer defending the Amish, spouted several hyperboles during his arguments. For instance, he said that “Amish life is a garden of nurturing for children.”
If your son or daughter’s school released a statement declaring, “We feel that if we give the child an education that allows ‘it’ to get a job and also be a good, moral person, we have done our duty as a good school”, wouldn’t that statement enrage you?
So why don’t the Amish start their own vocational schools? Because they need their children to run their farms or other occupations, which shun technology in favor of the cheaper child labor.
A car is a modern convenience capable of driving the faithful down a road of sin.